Sometimes you're the windshield...
I totally know how the bug feels right about now. Totally know. The bug sucks. A little bewildering, and a little painful, but mostly just dazed and confused.
Moxie and I can't seem to buy a Q right now. Zanesville was pretty bad, but we had nice runs and weird things NQd us. Evansville was downright painful. Between her atrocious aframe (she missed 3 on friday!), my stupid handling mistakes (Stick to the plan!!), crappy surface (knocked bar), it was a plethora of odd things that got us. We were 1 for 6. 1 for 6!!!!!! I cant remember ever doing that bad with her. I don't get it. Nothing has changed and we are running really well. I'm not nervous, or worried about something, she is in good shape overall. WTF?! And it isn't the MACH. Someone brought that up, I was worried about the MACH. Trust me when I say this, I hope I remember that I am up for it after QQ#19. I want my Nats QQs! So I can train a running aframe!!! I have plenty of time, it isnt like this is November. Geez... Thank goodness I am showing almost every weekend in May and June! :)
On a better note, Hustle was the man. Got his OA and an Excellent Jumpers Q. He is running really well. If he keeps this up, on to 26 inches!
And Sally.. Oohh my Sally girl. Ran her heart out as always. Got her MXP on saturday. And smoked an excellent jww course on sunday. How I love this girl. She's so amazing. After her jumpers run, I let her watch the ring for a while, since it's what she loves to do. She actually let me cuddle with her a little. It made me think about our journey, and how sad I am that she is 10 and how I have to cherish every run. I had to get up and leave because I started to cry. She's the best. Dogs should live forever.
Videos soon. I have some fantastic video to put up of the dogs. But I am TOO busy!
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9 months ago
Congrats on Sallys MXP, that is very cool and sounds like Hustle is doing great, congrats on his OA and ex. Q. you and Moxie will get those Q's rolling in soon!