Have I mentioned lately that I am totally STOKED about going to Reno? Not sure I have, so I'll repeat. STOKED... I did speed intervals the other day on my treadmill. It was not fun, but I feel like I need it. I want to jog distances, but I also want to mix it up enough to keep moving forward. I may start doing an aerobics exercise video too. I want to be stronger.
Moxie is training well. Jumping at 24 inches during training and doing well with it. I have been focusing a lot of attention on the double jump. Not sure why, but I have very little confidence with it. Not that she drops it much (just once I can remember with the double as jump #1), but I just don't feel like I work the double and triple much. And the triple LOOKS different. The double, at speed, looks the same as a single bar jump except the crossed bars underneath. So, I have decided to put some effort into proofing it.
I really want to feel prepared when I go all the way to Reno. USDAA Nationals was a lot of fun, but it was 20 minutes from my house. Kind of like a really big trial. This is more of an adventure I guess. Flying out, renting a car, staying in a nice hotel. Did I mention that I already have a packing list? :)
On another note, Hustle is getting a lot of drill work lately on the recall to heels. I am patching holes. And reinforcing his 2o2o on the dogwalk more. He understands to pause, but he doesn't always totally understand to stay there as I move away.
I bought this WAY COOL notebook at Office Max. It was expensive. But it is like a 3 ring binder that is flexible and has pockets for folders. I started a training journal. It'[s really helped me focus my training sessions. I hope I can keep it up!
Let Your Dog’s Brilliance Shine: Recallers Video Contest 2024 Winners
Recallers 2024 Video Contest Winners We're at the winners announcement of
our wonderful 2024 video contest showcasing how brilliant dogs can be when
we bel...
9 months ago
I am so excited for you-you guys are going to be great and how cool all the prep you are doing GOOO GET 'em!!!!!