I have been busy busy with holidays this last week. I am proud to say I haven't missed a jog on my training itinerary, until today. I woke up with a horrible sinus headache, and I can't breathe very well. I am thinking a 30 minute jog may slay me. So I bought some orange juice and I am going to take it easy today, and try again Monday. Maybe I can breathe by then!
The dogs have all been doing well. I started getting them used to the Manners Minder, which has been a blast! Moxie, of course, takes to it immediately. Hustle did too! Sally took a little bit, but then she figured it out and was great. Bailey is still looking to me for the reward, but she is getting much better. I have been using it to reward them for running across a ground board, in preparation for running contacts. So far it's going very well. I am uncure as to how I want Sallys contacts to progress yet, but I guess I'll just see what I have when I put her on contact equipment again.
I have realized Hustle is a good learner, but he is definitely a 'next day' learned. When he is learning something new, his brain can't process it all, so he seems like he totally doesn't get it. But go back to it the next day, and he not onyly gets the behavior, but offers it. I was seriously thinking he would take forever to offer a jump, because I had to baby lure him ever time. I finally stopped this, and decided I would fade the lure and see what I got. Nowhere fast the first day, so I lured as little as possible to get him to jump, gave him a jackpot, and ended session. The next day, he was offering to jump like a pro. He also repeatedly ran under the bar, and not wanting to reinforce this habit at ALL, I lowered the bar and kept it low for a while. He hasn't ran under since. I think he will really need a higher reward, shorter session training system than my girls did. It does appear that once he gets it, it's solid, which is very good! I need to keep working his jumping and running contact behavior before I try to throw anything else at him though. I might start the teeter bang game, then possibly try the Wendy Pape method to teeter train him, just for something new. He will be my first dog that I have tried running contacts on from scratch, so it should be interesting! I feel confident I can retrain a stop if he starts to blow contacts like it was his job. It's also nice to have enough confidencw going in to think, yeah, I can always change what I don't like. I have always known this to be true, but the confidence level with your own dogs is sometimes lacking.
Will start videoing my running contact training, and posting it for feedback!
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9 months ago
Can't wait to see running contact training videos! Hustle sounds so much like Panic when I first got him. Except he was already 2... :P Boys take forever to mature (same can be said for human boys!)