Well, it's been an exhausting few days for me. I ran insane errands all day thursday, mostly for the house. Who knew I would be such a slave to that thing? I keep telling myself it will all be worth it in the end, but dang, I am beginning to wonder when that "end" will be! We got the insulation for the building, yippee! Now waiting on a dry day to put it on. Insulation and outer walls go up the same time, so it should actually LOOK like a barn then! I am so excited to start lessons again with my regular students, and some of my newbies too! Friday I spent most of my day running errands, and finishing up my cake for the contest.
Saturday- Cake Contest! I was robbed! The theme was winter wedding cake, and so I decided to make a square, 2 tiered cake and decorate it like a present. I think I did a great job, and all the shoppers "oooh'd and ahhh'd" over my "winter wonderland" cake. Judgement time comes, and some chick who put blue pansies on her cake won? What? Oh well, it was a lot of fun and a good experience, and a good way to practice making cakes anyway... Saturday night was Jasons company christmas party. Good food, good company. We did notice saturday night that Bailey wasn't that interested in food. She had a bladder infection 2 weeks ago, and has been finishing up antiboitics.
Sunday, I was gone all day visiting my uncle Bud, whom I will talk about in a few... But Bailey had a bad tummy ache, wasn't much interested in food, and had some pretty bad gas! But luckily, Monday, she seems to have turned around, and ate both her meals and resumed her role as fun police to the younger dogs. I believe the antibiotics just robbed her GI tract of good flora, and she had a time rebuilding. Poor girl. It really scared me though, because Bailey has been there for every major event in my life, and it finally occured tome that someday, she won't be here. I really love my first girl, my first dog, and my first intro into the dog world. I know she will be here for many more milestones, but when they get older, everything gets a little more scary.
Now, back to my uncle Bud. Cool uncle Bud is actually my dads uncle, my great uncle. He is my grandfathers brother. My grandfather (we called him Pappy!) died when I was in junior high. He was the kindest, coolest guy I knew, and his brother was a carbon copy. Pappy loved to dance, and I remember him dancing in the living room to make me smile, and every weekend, his brother Bud would come in from Indianapolis to spend the weekend with his brother, dancing at bars. Pretty cool huh? They were the ultimate ladies men too. Both exceptionally handsome for their age, the women loved them. Both had wives who died far to young. I always knew Pappy as just that, my grandfather who was super cool and spoiled and loved me to bits. But uncle Bud was cool uncle Bud, sort of like Peter Pan, they never seemed to grow old. Both had wavy hair they slicked back really nice, and wore cologne and dressed nice. Studs, the both of them. When Pappy was diagnosed with ALS, aks Lou Gherigs disease, it was really hard for Bud. He was losing a brother and a best friend. We didn't see Bud as much after Pappy died, but he always kept in touch and was as cool as ever, every time we got to see him. We got a call a week ago, that he was losing a battle with cancer we didn't even know he was waging. Needless to say, we all made a road trip to see him. He has lost an extreme amount of weight, and was weak, but wearing his Colts jersey and rooting for his team with a smile on his face. His wit is still intact, and his trademark smile I will never forget. The most interesting part was talking to him about Pappy. It never occured to me that Pappy was anything but my grandfather. He was young, funny and apparently, quite the bar brawler! ;) I got to hear stories about him and Bud as young guns, and how much my grandfather liked to embarass Bud. The more I heard, the more I smiled, because a LOT of my personality is so similar to them. Witty, a little smart aleced and always cracking jokes on friends, all of that came from these 2 amazing guys. And the goofy dancing. Apparently, I get my goofy dancing from Pappy too(those who know me well, know what I mean, I'll bust a move in any given situation, as badly as I can muster). Bud said he was once fighting with a guy, and dancing the whole time. I also found out Pappy recieved a medal for shooting down a german bomber in the Navy in WW2. And that Bud was also in the Navy. So many things I wanted to ask Bud, but I didn't know how. He is weak, yet he is still so alive that he will forever amaze me with his gentle spirit. Cool Uncle Bud. The closest I get to having Pappy again, will soon be in heaven with his brother. I am certain they will be partners in crime again, best friends reunited and making more memories.
On a training note, Hustle is a scream. He totally has "get it" down, but he gets it, and runs a lap around the room... Always something, that boy... I am also starting him on more jumping foundation, and while he is doing well, I think he needs more core muscles. I will intro him to the ball tomorrow, and do a week of that before I jump him again. I guess I will just keep working that goofy retrieve and his running contacts!
Let Your Dog’s Brilliance Shine: Recallers Video Contest 2024 Winners
Recallers 2024 Video Contest Winners We're at the winners announcement of
our wonderful 2024 video contest showcasing how brilliant dogs can be when
we bel...
9 months ago
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